07:53 - 30/09/2024

How is the organization for effective implementation of foster care facilities regulated in VIet Nam?

How does the organization effectively implement regulated nutrition interventions? How is the implementation of scientific researche on nutrition and food regulated?

Nội dung chính

    In Vietnam, how is the organization for effective implementation of foster care facilities regulated?

    In Subsection 5, Section III, the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy on Nutrition to 2025, issued together with Decision 1294 / QD-BYT in 2022, has regulations on the organization of effective deployment of exercise equipment. is specified as follows:

    Organize and effectively deploy nutrition cans

    - Developing, standardizing, disseminating processes, guiding techniques that can knowledge nursing factors.

    - Evaluation of regulations and performance of work can assess the quality in the annual evaluation criteria of medical facilities.

    - Implement knowledge designs at the community:

    + Screening and assessing nutritional status of children 0-18 years old.

    + Nutrition counseling for target groups: nutrition for pregnant and nursing mothers, breastfeeding and reasonable complementary feeding, nutrition for overweight prevention, nutrition for prevention of non-communicable diseases measure.

    + Management and adjustment of severe acute nutrition for children under 6 years of age.

    + Prevention of micronutrient deficiencies for children and women giving birth in the suits of the Ministry of Health (vitamin A, iron, blood, multi-nutrients)

    + Management of nutrition and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases for the elderly in the community and hospital.- Organize direct communication interventions in the community and health facilities: nutrition practice guide, small group communication, nutrition club and other types.- Implement and transfer the model of point nutrition department to hospitals and medical facilities at lower levels.- Implement the school meal program and nutrition education at school, combining family and school in ensuring proper nutrition and physical activity.- Develop and implement regulations for a healthy nutritional environment at schools, including restricting the marketing of unhealthy food and drink products at schools.- Coordinating in adjusting and supplementing nutrition-related contents in textbooks at all school levels to suit the new recommendations.

    How is the organization for effective implementation of foster care facilities regulated in VIet Nam?

    How is the organization for effective implementation of foster care facilities regulated in Viet Nam? (Sources: internet)

    In Vietnam, how is the organization of effective implementation of nutrition interventions regulated?

    In Subsection 6, Section III, the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy on Nutrition to 2025, issued together with Decision 1294/QD-BYT in 2022, contains regulations on effective implementation of nutrition interventions. is specified as follows:

    Conducting scientific researches on nutrition and food

    - Update and upgrade food research techniques; Research on absorption and metabolism of nutrients.

    - Research and evaluate changes in nutritional status of children and students and intervention solutions. Research on models and application of child stunting prevention and control models, optimal nutrition in the first 1000 days of life by region. Research on the situation and intervention to improve micronutrient deficiency; research and application of a micronutrient deficiency prevention model for at-risk groups. Improve testing capacity related to nutrition and food, prevention of micronutrient deficiency. Application of new techniques in nutrition research and prevention of micronutrient deficiency.

    - Research on solutions to prevent micronutrient deficiency: Research on micronutrients; research, production and clinical trials of products to prevent micronutrient deficiency for different subjects; Research on fortification of micronutrients into livestock and plants.

    - Researching on solutions to prevent overweight, obesity, metabolic disorders and risk factors for nutrition-related non-communicable diseases on target groups. Research on genetic factors, food and nutrition. Research and application of organic foods and foods rich in biological activities in supporting the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. Research intervention solutions on diet, physical activity, products rich in biological activities to support the control of risk factors for non-communicable diseases.

    - Develop tools to support nutrition counseling and treatment of non-communicable diseases applying the achievements of 4.0 technology.

    - Researching solutions to improve nutritional status for patients and the elderly (prioritizing malnutrition, diabetes, hypertension, overweight-obesity): research and production, clinical trials screening nutritional products for different audiences; in-depth research on nutritional treatment and prevention for patients and the elderly.

    - Develop tools to support nutrition counseling and treatment for patients and the elderly (priority is given to those with malnutrition, diabetes, hypertension, overweight and obesity).

    - Research on food safety and nutrition, exposure to mycotoxins, intestinal flora and nutritional status of children; The problem of antibiotic resistance in food.
