Bản ghi nhớ số 90/2005/LPQT giữa Chính phủ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam và Tổ chức, khoa học và văn hóa của Liên hợp quốc (UNESCO) (2005 – 2010)

Số hiệu 90/2005/LPQT
Ngày ban hành 27/07/2005
Ngày có hiệu lực 27/07/2005
Loại văn bản Điều ước quốc tế
Cơ quan ban hành Bộ Ngoại giao
Người ký Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Anh
Lĩnh vực Tài nguyên - Môi trường,Văn hóa - Xã hội




Số: 90/2005/LPQT

Hà Nội, ngày 13 tháng 9 năm 2005




Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Anh


(2005 - 2010)

At the invitation of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO, paid an official visit to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam from 26 to 28 July 2005.

At the meetings, the President and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam expressed their high appreciation of the activities carried out by UNESCO, and its efforts to mobilize international support for the development of education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, information and communication.

At the regional level, both parties recalled the success of the Asia-Pacific Regional Confefence on " Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations for Peace and Sustainable Development ", jointly organized by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and UNESCO on 20 and 21 December 2004 in Hanoi, and agreed upon follow-up activities.

They expressed satisfaction with their ongoing cooperation and their wish to further expand and enhance the existing partnership between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and UNESCO in the fields of competence of the Organization.

To this end, the Vietnamese authorities have expressed their intention to implement with the cooperation of UNESCO the following activities within the fields of competence of UNESCO in Viet Nam:

1. Implementation of the National EFA Plan of Action (2003 - 2015):

i) Moving from quantity to quality and relevance; expanding early childhood care and education; completing universalization of primary and lower secondary education; expanding lifelong learning opportunities; mobilizing full community support - Education for All; and ensuring effective management and the best possible utilization of resources;

ii) Systematic monitoring and assessment of quality of education; developing a policy framework and guidelines on educational quality; building capacity of education managers, curriculum developers and teachers to ensure quality delivery of educational services to achieve the Dakar goals by 2015, especially in reducing disparities, achieving gender equality and expanding access to disadvantaged populations by following the inclusive approach to education;

iii) Strengthening EFA coordination among all stakeholders and mobilization of support from within the country and abroad, and decentralized capabilities in educational planning, implementation and monitoring in all provinces.

2. Enhancing public and political awareness about the United Nations Literacy Decade - UNLD (2003 - 2012) and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development - DESD (2005 - 2014) through organization of awareness-raising seminars, activities for high-ranking educational decision/policy makers, management officers at all levels as well as teachers/educators; development and distribution of guidelines and multimedia packages and other advocacy materials; and conducting running of a public campaign in support of national plans for UNLD and the launch of DESD:

i) Promoting "literacy for all" within the framework of the UNLD with a view to reducing poverty, particularly among the remaining pockets of illiterates, including disadvantaged populations such as the poor, the disabled, ethnic minorities, girls and women in remote areas, by organizing formal and non-formal education with a "literacy plus" approach and mother- tongue/bilingual education;

ii) Establishing a National Committee for DESD and facilitating all activities concerning DESD; enhancing the legal framework so that sustainability is incorporated into education laws, ordinances, curricula, standards, etc.; improving quality of education based on Education for Sustainable Development.

3. Promoting an interdisciplinary approach to education by integrating across the educational curriculum life-skills, technical and vocational training, science and technology education, environment education, HIV/AIDS education, cultural heritage, cultural diversity, inter-cultural understanding, learning to live together, culture of peace, ICT, gender equality, poverty reduction, sustainable development, etc.

4. Expanding the national network of Community Learning Centres (CLCs) to provide quality non-formal educational opportunities to out-of-school children, youth and adults; emphasizing local learning needs so that the CLCs will serve as multi-purpose local hubs for literacy, post-literacy, life-skills and income-generation skills, as well as reading and cultural centres - with a view to achieving the Government's objectives of establishing CLCs in every commune and promoting local community involvement and support from other donors in order to build a learning society in Viet Nam.

5. Within the ASPnet Strategic Framework (2004-2009), reorienting the ASPnet towards quality education and to the EFA goals and supporting activities celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the ASPnet in Viet Nam (1995-2005); establishing partnership between ASPnet and CLCs as a means to promote both formal and informal education in the service of EFA.

6. Improving human resource development for education, including upgrading the teaching force and strengthening the planning and management capacity of officers in charge of education at national, provincial, district and local levels.

7. Providing expertise and technical and financial assistance to set up a computerized system for education evaluation and assessment to be used in schools as well as in other educational institutions.

8. Strengthening information-based decision-making in education at all levels by upgrading the education management information systems (EMIS); introducing and applying new ICTs into educational planning, management, the teaching/learning process and teacher training.

9. Strengthening ICT in Schools and SchoolNet Project in ASEAN setting.

10. Developing policy guidelines and strategies in the areas of higher education and technicallvocational education, based upon policy analysis.

11. Considering reviewing and improving its curricula for secondary and tertiary institutions to include HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma reduction and sex education, and integrate these issues into teacher training facilities.


12. Formulation of national policies and strategies for development of high technology in Viet Nam in such areas as: ICT, biotechnology, new materials, automation, mechatronics, etc.    

13. Identification and implementation of S&T indicators and statistics; raising analytical capability to make decisions in S&T policy and strategy.

14. Enhancing and promoting activities to introduce modern sciences and technology alongside traditional and indigenous knowledge, practice and products (herbal medicine, agricultural practices, crop varieties etc.) to benefit disadvantaged members of society, particularly women and children, in remote areas.
